CS 534 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming, Fall 2017


You are required to deliver a term project. Projects should be done in pairs. Expectations from the grad students are higher than undergrad students.

You will be required to give a demo of your project at the end of the semester.

You have to use a version control system. I will create a GitHub repository for you and grant you access.

You are free to choose the programming language you will use for implementation, as long as the language is object-oriented. Java, C++, C#, Smalltalk, Python, Ruby are among acceptable options.


The following are the deliverables of the project:

  • Setup (due: Nov. 11th, 14:00): Send an email to the course TA that includes the names of the team members and their GitHub IDs.
  • Submission (due: Jan. 4th, 10:00): You will give a live demo of your code. Be prepared to answer design- and code-related questions. Include a README file in your repo that explains how to compile and run your code. UML class diagrams of key parts of your projects should be available in your repository as well.


Cartagena board game

Sample Project

Here is a good project output from a previous semester. The project topic was epidemic simulation.
